A tooth can become damaged or infected as a result of tooth decay, cavities, injury, gum disease, or repeated treatment on one particular tooth. If the infection reaches the center of the tooth, where the pulp is contained, a root canal will have to be performed to save the tooth from extraction. If you are suffering from tooth pain in Spring, TX, make an appointment at Spring Creek Forest Dental to have the tooth examined.
The pulp is located in the center of the tooth, underneath the layers of enamel and dentin. It houses the blood vessels, nerves, and living connective tissues that are essential to the tooth’s development. However, once the tooth has reached maturity, they are no longer necessary for it to function. A root canal treatment cleans out the canal of decayed material when it has become infected and replaces it with a biocompatible material to restore its structure and function.
A root canal procedure may take up to three sessions to complete, depending on the condition of the tooth, with each appointment lasting 30-90 minutes. An anesthetic is first administered to the tooth being treated as well as the surrounding gums to minimize pain and discomfort. The endodontist will drill an opening through the biting surface of the tooth in order to access the pulp chamber. The affected pulp is then removed from the canals. Once clean of infected and dead tissue, the canals are disinfected, then shaped. A material called gutta percha is used to fill the root canal again and the tooth is sealed. A temporary covering is placed on the tooth to keep it protected until a permanent crown can be made and placed.
In most cases, there will not be any side effects. However, if the tooth has a crack that went unnoticed during the procedure or the crown becomes loose afterwards, the tooth may be vulnerable to reinfection. Additionally, there may be a dull pain after the procedure, but this should subside within a week. If it doesn’t, it’s recommended to return to the dentist to have the tooth examined.
People who suffer from high blood pressure or take blood thinners may not be eligible for a root canal. Additionally, those who have diabetes, autoimmune diseases, infections, fever, or osteoporosis may not be able to receive this treatment.
The most important step is to maintain good oral hygiene (regular brushing and flossing) to prevent the need for retreatment or a root canal on another tooth. Immediately following the treatment, it will be recommended to avoid eating or drinking for a couple of hours and to avoid hard and crunchy foods for a few days. Antibiotics may be prescribed by the dentist.
It usually takes a week to recover from a root canal.
Yes, the results of a root canal procedure are considered to be permanent. If you believe that your tooth has become infected, make an appointment at Spring Creek Forest Dental in Spring, TX to have the tooth examined.