Simple vs. Surgical Tooth Extractions

It is scary to get the teeth removed. Most people do not visit the dentist because they fear the pain involved. Not all problems lead to tooth extraction. Some need different treatment. Do not ignore any dental problems. Visit a dentist near you immediately. Your dentist will recommend tooth extraction treatment if the tooth infection is beyond cure or the tooth has broken inside the gum.

What Is Tooth Extraction and Why Do You Need It

A dental procedure that is used to remove the trouble-causing tooth from the bone is known as tooth extraction treatment. Not every dental problem calls for tooth extraction. Tooth extraction becomes necessary in some specific conditions. Here are a few reasons. The tooth infection has become severe and it is impossible to cure it through some other procedure. There is excessive dental decay. Crowded teeth also need tooth extraction treatment. Braces also demand extraction some times. Misaligned teeth are not favorable for braces. Chemotherapy or organ transplants may require tooth extraction. It is not mandatory but the oral health in these conditions is maintained with extractions.

What to Tell Your Dentist before the Procedure

Some issues do not support tooth extractions. You must tell your complete medical history before the treatment. Here is a list of problems that your dentist should know. If you are taking any medicines or supplements, tell your dentist. Any drug treatment should be done after tooth extraction. Intravenous drug treatments are injurious for tooth extraction. Congenital heart defects must be reported to the dentist. You must also tell your dentist if you have any liver, thyroid, renal, and adrenal diseases. Artificial joints can also make a difference in treatment recommendation from your dentist. The dentist near you will also ask about hypertension, any history of bacterial endocarditis. Never forget to tell your dentist about defective heart valves if you have any. These problems may sound irrelevant to you for tooth extraction. Note that all these problems and any medical history must be reported to the dentist. Do not miss any point because it may lead to osteonecrosis or bone death.

How to Prepare for the Treatment

The preparatory phase is a bit problematic for some people. Your dentist may also recommend some antibiotics a few days before the treatment. Here is what you can do in the preparatory phase: Do not smoke before the treatment. At least rest yourself for an hour and do not smoke. Prohibit eating and drinking six to eight hours earlier to the treatment. Make sure you are not sick on the day of the extraction. If you have a cold, rescheduling the treatment is better. Also, let your dentist know if you feel nauseous or vomit a night before the treatment. These are some general tips that you can follow as preparatory methods to ensure safety and good health.

What to Expect from the Procedure

Tooth extraction has two different types. One is the simple tooth extraction that is less painful. The other is surgical tooth extraction that includes a lot of pain. Here are the procedures for both of them.

Simple Tooth Extraction

This procedure is less painful and advised when the tooth is infected or decaying. Your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the site of action. An instrument called the elevator is used to create space in the gums and the tooth is extracted with forceps.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

If a tooth is broken inside the gums due to an accident or severe infection, the dentist in Spring Creek Forest recommends a surgical tooth extraction. First, the surgical site is numbed with local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. The mixture of these two sedatives will make you calm. Some medical conditions of the patient also allow general anesthesia. You will sleep throughout the treatment. A small incision will be made in your gums for extraction. The bone around the tooth may be removed if needed. Some severely infected teeth are removed in small pieces. For this, the tooth may be broken into pieces first and then removed. The dentists at our facility will make sure you receive a satisfying and less painful treatment. Visit us at Spring Creek Forest Dental now.