What Are the Major Benefits of Clear Braces?


Over the last two decades, advances in adult orthodontia have seen tremendous improvements. Present-day orthodontic appliances are lighter, discreet, and smaller than your traditional metal counterparts. In reality, more patients are currently looking to straighten crooked and misaligned teeth but show a marked reluctance to wear conventional metal brackets and wires in their mouths.

Traditional orthodontics also made specific improvements in the braces they offered by introducing ceramic braces that remained nearly invisible in the mouth. However, the alignment technology patented by Invisalign altered orthodontic treatments forever in the late 90s. Invisalign provided people with a clear alternative to straighten crooked and misaligned teeth with virtually invisible braces helping them straighten their teeth discreetly without anyone realizing they were undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Clear Braces Storming the Orthodontic Market

Currently, nearly 20 percent of American adults are undergoing orthodontic treatment with different appliances. Earlier, Invisalign was the only alternative available to traditional orthodontics to straighten teeth. Presently Invisalign also has competitors offering similar clear braces in Spring, TX, for adults and teenagers that want to straighten their teeth to have a beautiful smile.

Are you wondering what clear braces are and how they are beneficial? Let us answer your questions to make you realize how you benefit from having clear braces to straighten teeth.

Clear braces do not compel you to have metal brackets, wires, and bands in your mouth. Still, you are merely required to wear custom-created aligners made from dental-grade BPA-free plastic that fit snugly over your teeth to gradually move your teeth into position to form a beautiful smile.

If you thought straightening teeth was a hassle because traditional braces remained on your teeth for the duration of the treatment, clear braces offer you another surprise by allowing you to remove them when eating or drinking and to maintain proper dental hygiene. The only stipulation clear braces put upon you is to have the braces over your teeth for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours every day to achieve the straighter teeth you desire for a better smile or oral hygiene.

What is the Process to Get Clear Braces?

The process for getting clear braces is not complicated but requires a visit to the dentist in Spring, TX, 77379, for a consultation to determine whether you qualify for clear braces treatment. The qualification process isn’t complicated and is merely an examination of your mouth and teeth to evaluate the complexity of your situation. If you qualify for the clear braces treatment, the dentist creates a treatment plan by capturing accurate 3D images of your teeth using an intraoral scanner. You even have an opportunity to see how your smile appears after completing your treatment during the evaluation stage.

Approximately three weeks after your initial assessment, you pick up your first batch of clear braces from the dentist and begin wearing them over your teeth right away. The clear braces require replacements every 2 to 3 weeks and come in batches. You receive instructions from the dentist near you to replace the existing set in your mouth with a new collection every fortnight.

Advantages Of Clear Braces

Here are the benefits of clear braces:

  • The most significant advantage of clear braces is their virtually invisible feature that allows you to proceed with your treatment discreetly without anyone realizing you are straightening teeth. In addition, clear braces do not require monthly adjustments to tighten wires because none exist.
  • The removable feature of clear braces is another advantage that everyone likes because clear braces don’t restrict people from having the foods they love.
  • So long as people remove the clear braces from their teeth to eat and replace the braces over their teeth soon after brushing and flossing, they can rest assured their orthodontic treatment progresses unhindered.
  • Clear braces straighten teeth faster than traditional braces requiring merely 12 to 18 months compared to three years or more with conventional braces.
  • The faster treatment confirms you benefit in every way because you have a beautiful smile in a shorter period, achieve better oral hygiene with a comfortable treatment, and save plenty of money because clear braces help you avoid monthly orthodontic visits to tighten braces.
  • Combine all the above with the removable feature of braces, and you find yourself benefiting all the way with clear braces from Invisalign or MTM delivered by the dentist in Spring, 77379. Isn’t that advantageous?

If you want to have straighter teeth without the complications of brackets and wires in your mouth, choose the clear braces alternative from Spring Creek Forest Dental to improve your smile and dental hygiene. Book your appointment with us today!